Vortex IQ follows a streamlined four-step process:

Step 1: Live E-commerce Platform Analysis Your live e-commerce platform is central to the Vortex IQ process. We leverage AI and real-time data from your platform to analyse its current performance and pinpoint any issues, gaining a comprehensive understanding of your website’s health. This data is then analysed to generate actionable insights and recommendations.

Step 2: Insights and Recommendations Vortex AI identifies areas ripe for improvement and provides tailored guidance for optimising your website’s performance. Insights are presented through dashboards designed for different roles, such as E-commerce Managers, Developers, Marketing Managers, and Web Development Agencies.

Step 3: Implementation Code and Deployment The insights and recommendations from Step 2 are converted into practical improvements through the creation of specific implementation code. This code is designed to bring the Vortex IQ-suggested enhancements to life.

Step 4: Testing in a Staging Environment Before applying changes to the live site, Vortex IQ deploys them in a staging environment. This testing ground mirrors the live site and includes the recommended changes, enabling Vortex AI to verify that the changes function as intended without disrupting your live website.

Below is a high level diagram of all the core components and how our platform works it magic:

The diagram outlines a high-level architecture for a Vortex IQ solution designed to integrate with various e-commerce platforms and other data sources, leveraging AI engines for advanced analytics and automation. Here’s how it works:

  1. E-Commerce Platform Integration: The Vortex IQ integrates with multiple e-commerce platforms, including BigCommerce, Adobe Commerce, Magento, Shopify, WooCommerce, Wix Commerce, and Salesforce Commerce Cloud. It also connects to other data sources such as databases, PDFs, CSVs, and APIs, enabling the platform to aggregate and process comprehensive data sets.
  2. Real-Time Data Flow: Data from the e-commerce platforms and other sources are collected in real-time and fed into the Vortex IQ for further processing.
  3. Vortex IQ Core Components:
    • AI Analytics: Uses AI to analyse data for insights.
    • Cloning Website: Allows replication of website configurations and setups.
    • Data Migration: Facilitates the migration of data between different platforms.
    • Code Audit: Automatically checks the code for issues and compliance.
    • Code & Theme Deployment: Helps deploy website code and themes efficiently.
    • AI Dev Copilot: An AI-driven assistant that aids developers in coding tasks.
  4. Vortex IQ UI:
      • Insights: Provides insights based on the collected data.
      • Recommended Actions: Offers suggestions to improve operations.
      • Automated Decisions: Utilises AI to automate decision-making processes.
      • StagingPro: Enables website staging and testing.
      • DryRun Pro: A tool to run simulations before deploying changes.
  5. Chat Integration:
    • Microsoft Teams: Integrates with Microsoft Teams for collaboration.
    • Slack: Connects with Slack for communication.
    • AI Agent: Offers chat-based AI assistant for quick insights and suggestions.
  6. AI Engines:
    • The solution uses a combination of AI engines to power analytics, insights, and decision-making. It includes advanced machine learning models and AI assistants like GPT models.
  7. AI/ML:
    • Utilises state-of-the-art AI/ML models to power analytics, automation, and other features across the platform.

Overall, the Vortex IQ system provides a comprehensive framework to connect, analyse, and optimise e-commerce operations by leveraging the power of AI and machine learning.

Features of Vortex IQ

AI Engines: Access a variety of AI models, including those from Gemma, LLaMA,  Mistral AI, OpenAI, Anthropic, HuggingFace and more.

Built-In Integration: Seamless data integration with over 200 data sources, ensuring compatibility with your existing tech stack.

Control: Run AI engines within your own infrastructure for greater control and security.

Data Access: Role-based access control to manage data access within your organization.

Efficiency: Automate tasks with VortexIQ Jobs and set up Triggers for specific events in your AI workflows.

Fine-Tuning: Create, train, fine-tune, and control versions of your AI models.

Growth: Designed for cloud environments, making it easy to scale your AI solutions.

High Security: Directly connects to your data source, minimizing the risk of data leaks during the ETL process.

Insights: Collect data and insights on how your AI models are performing.

Joining Forces: Communicate with your knowledge repository through Teams and Slack.

Knowledge Empowerment: Enable every team member to use AI by leveraging knowledge from your ERP system, manuals, data, and databases within your organization.

Lightning-Fast Customization: With nearly 200 integrations, developers can create custom AI solutions faster and more securely.

Machine Learning Models: Leverage advanced machine learning models to analyze data and support decision-making processes.

Natural Language Processing: Utilize NLP to allow seamless conversations with your data, extracting valuable insights effortlessly.

Operational Automation: Streamline operations with AI-driven automation, enhancing workflow efficiency and reducing manual tasks.

Predictive Analytics: Implement predictive analytics to forecast trends and make data-driven decisions for your business.

Quick Adaptability: Quickly adapt to new data and requirements with our flexible AI infrastructure.

Real-Time Monitoring: Monitor AI model performance in real-time to ensure optimal functioning and swift issue resolution.

Scalability: Easily scale your AI applications to accommodate growing data and increasing user demands.

Task Automation: Automate repetitive tasks to improve operational efficiency and productivity.

Unified Dashboard: Access all AI insights and controls from a single, unified dashboard for ease of use.

Versatile AI Solutions: Create versatile AI solutions tailored to various industry needs and specific business challenges.

Workflow Integration: Integrate AI into existing workflows seamlessly, enhancing productivity and efficiency.

eXecutable Actions: Turn AI insights into executable actions without the need for extensive coding knowledge.

Yield Optimization: Optimize business processes and outcomes with AI-driven yield management techniques.

Zero Downtime Deployments: Ensure continuous operations with zero downtime deployments, maintaining service availability.