About Us

Vortex IQ was established by cofounders with more than two decades of experience in e-commerce technology, having collaborated with over 500 brands. We operate within the $5.7 trillion global e-commerce market, which struggles with a global conversion rate of under 4%. This means that out of every 100 visitors to an e-commerce site, only four complete a purchase, while the remaining 96 leave without buying anything.

E-commerce merchants face considerable challenges in enhancing their online store’s performance. The data from current analytics tools often generates more questions than answers, and Business Intelligence dashboards provide historical data without offering actionable steps for improving conversion rates or customer retention. It’s akin to walking into a pharmacy without knowing which medicine will alleviate your symptoms. A 1% increase in conversion rates can translate into a 30-40% boost in turnover, but merchants often find themselves without a clear path to achieve this.

How We Help

At Vortex IQ, we use our proprietary AI workflows to identify and analyse data for merchants. Beyond offering insights and recommendations, we ensure smooth implementation through our low-code/no-code interfaces. Our platform eliminates the guesswork from data analysis by providing actionable advice and safely implementing it on a staging site, allowing merchants to test before going live. This method saves up to 40% in time and operational costs. The Vortex IQ platform also empowers merchants to deploy changes quickly and safely to their websites.